Before you can do anything in your life -making positive, lasting change- you absolutely HAVE to start in a place where you are reflecting internally (also known as being introspective). You have to sit with yourself and access your vulnerability, becoming authentically honest with yourself.
To help navigate the “where do I even begin” question, and you don’t want to waste your time searching, I would recommend beginning by looking at yourself (actions, behaviors, habits) through the lens of wellness.
Ever heard of the wellness wheel? Well, welcome back to 6th grade health class where we finally utilize something 13 years later! The wellness wheel encompasses aspects of your life that are simplified into areas of, well, wellness: social, emotional, spiritual, occupational, intellectual, financial, physical and environmental.
Each area allows you a deeper view into specific attributes that contribute to you as a whole person. Once the areas begin to balance, the wheel of your life will, in turn, begin to roll with ease.
The purpose of a life audit is to examine where you are now (in a really open and honest way, I can’t stress this enough) then to focus on where you want to be. It is imperative that you understand the value of being raw with yourself in these moments. You cannot expect yourself to improve your life if you function from areas of denial and self-victimization.
Looking at your life through the lens of denial shows up believing that you do not have areas to improve…you don’t have problems, or negative, unhealthy, unwanted behaviors…mkay Chauncey.
Looking at your life trough the lens of self-victimization, you tend to believe you are not getting any closer to your goals because of someone else. Which…let’s stop there and allow me to say…your behaviors, actions, habits, etc. are a product/consequence/result of YOUR decisions. You musn’t blame others for what you do or don’t do.
“You become the five people you spend the most time with.” Maybe you should reflect on who has access to the social and emotional wellness areas:)
Need I bring out the old moniker, “if they jumped off a bridge, would you?” Well, you likely wouldn’t because why would you want your life to end because someone else decided…(rhetorical question). It is, ya know, your decision. Have we come full circle yet? Okay, great.
Below are some prompts to help you audit ya life. I will leave a snippet from my own 2022 audit.